Why girls need to have good erotic photoshoot for escort work?

Hello girls! Thanks for reading!

Good erotic photo shoot for an escort job in US greatly influences the success of the girls. I will share few tips with you about how to get better photoshoots for work.
You can see a lot of beautiful girls in the escort business. And the highest earners are not those who look the best, but those who can show themselfes from best side.
Customers will not go to you just taking your word or description of how beautiful you are. First of all, highest impressions and emotions the client gets when they see you in the picture before your meeting in real life. That's why you should help the client to find you with the best photos that will stand out among the other girls. You have to tell your clients in your photos that you are exactly the one with whom he should book a meeting, just the one he was looking for so long. Experienced client will never forgive you that in the photo you will not look as beautiful as your competitors and will not go to you but to your competitors and then you lose your potential profit and potential regular client. How good you look in the pictures will reflect on the conversion of those who see you and how many of them come to you for a meeting. As more unique and beautiful your photos will be as more efficient will be your tour and your advertising.
Good photoshoot for escort work can be done by specialized photographers only. If a photographer is not specializing on erotic photoshoots he does not have anything like you need at his portfolio, I do not recommend you to use his photo service. Many times after a photoshoot with bad photographer girls look on selfies better than on the photo shoot! So there is no reason to spend money on a bad photographer. Usually, good erotic photographers spend years improving their skills in erotic photography. Retouching which do photographers at erotic photos is also completely different from those you can find at usual photos. Clients before they come to meet with you see your and your competitors' photos so you must try to look as good as possible. Before you go to photoshoot I reccomend you to see other girls photos to get some inspiration, ideas, to check poses used at other photos. Also go through your photos - this way you'll know exactly how you should turn your face to the camera to get the best look. Better yet, take lots and lots of photos of yourself in front of the mirror from different angles, then study them and remember the best positions. You only need to do it once, but then you'll know how to stand, how to turn when the camera is pointed at you. Dont use any other facial expression, only smile. Already in front of the camera. Watch your posture, don't slouch! Got a belly? You can pull it in. Got a double chin? You can pull it in by pressing the back of your tongue against your palate. Got a wide face? Tilt your head down a little and turn it three-quarters of the way around. Do you feel yourself smiling tense? Don't forget to squint your eyes slightly so that the smile comes out naturally.
And try to think of pleasant things - your face reflects your emotions.

Think about your favorite cat or some any other funny story from your life. Usually, such photographers themselves give you a makeup artist because the usual makeup for every day is definitely not suitable for a photo shoot. It's a little different than normal life makeup. When you are applying makeup, remember that the camera usually "eats up" a good part of your makeup, and your face will not look as expressive as you would like it to. So paint brighter than usual. Adjust the shape of the face. With such a correction can achieve the desired effects: to make the nose, jaw or face narrower, lips plumper, and cheekbones more expressive. There are a lot of useful videos on YouTube on this matter, you can find the facial correction scheme that suits you. If you have cleavage, you can darken the cleavage of your chest with the same blush, so it will look a little bigger. In general, on the same YouTube you can find a variety of videos on "makeup like Angelina Jolie", "like Barbie", "like Megan Fox" - whatever =). The main thing is to make sure that this makeup suits your face type..The hair is also usually done by a stylist who will be recommended by the photographer. They also offer some kind of studio or apartment to rent for the photo shoot. I have seen some girls photographed in castles, in expensive hotel rooms, airplanes or in some gilded halls, but no one will understand this effort. The simpler the background the better. The main detail in the picture is you and make an accent on yourself. For photos enough heels and wear everything else at your discretion. Bottom white choose as bright as possible. No need black outfits on your photoshoot  its not a funeral this is entertainment theme!   Make an accent on the strong points of your body and smile as much as possible! A smile will immediately increase your attractiveness! I will attach the list of good photographers to this blog post. Even if you are beautiful in person and slim be aware that the coolest photos will make you more beautiful. No need to hide any parts of your body or to shy anything because photographers use photoshop. Client will always think there is something wrong with the places you have hidden because of that if there are any tattoos or scars or anything else you want to hide better ask the photographer to hide them with photoshop. The more open your body and the sexier the position so the client can fantasize about it as soon as he sees you. Don't take a picture of just your face. Let your picture show your whole body. In photos, try to dress the way you will meet the client. Smile sincerely to make a closer face-to-face contact with your potential clients. Show your best side in photos for the client. "All your bad habits are on your face," said one professional photographer. If you have a possibility to avoid fat and salty food for at least several days, to drink less liquid for a night, to work out, get enough sleep, do facial massage - do it. And look better, and feel better (and confidence is also very important, it affects how you present yourself.) Do not forget that in the photo you look a little denser and larger than you really are. On a photo you look somewhere around 5 kilos more. You can drink diuretics for a couple of days before the photo shoot. Like green tea. Sometimes girls manage to take good photos the first time, but even if you fail the first time, don't worry about it. Photos even if they fail will pay off. In the future, keep experimenting and do not save money on photos. Good quality photosession is usually not cheap but not very expensive. In Moscow it is $ 300-500, in the U.S. $ 600, in other countries could be more expensive. Dont try to save money on photoshoot because later will need to make another one again. Better choose good photographer at begining. Good erotic photoshoot is a great investment that can serve you for more than one year and earn more than one hundred thousand dollars. After you have done erotic photoshoot session try to listen to what your potential clients say about it during your work. What reviews they write, what they say about you. So you'll know if you're going in the right direction and how good your pictures are. You do not have to post your session on social networks to preserve your anonymity - it is only for your clients. Also, a great photo shoot is a way to get a better price per hour. You will get more clients for a good photo shoot and you will earn more money or you can increase your price per hour so you do not have too many clients.  Often the client gets lost among any photoshoots so always some selfies from life to your professional photos. 

So the client can make sure you look exactly like you do. When you take selfies, be sure to note that they may not always turn out well the first time. Pay attention to how the photographer does it. He takes about 500-800 photos and selects 6-8 from them to retouch. You can do with selfies same. Take a lot of pictures and select the ones that suit you best. But not too much. So you can see. Try holding the phone a little higher. You'll look a little slimmer than if you hold the phone down. Try it and see for yourself. If you take a picture from above, the body looks thinner and if you take one from below, it looks bigger. Wear an erotic outfit as if you were meeting a client, but do not overdo it so that it does not seem that you are specially prepared. This selfie is just as important as the photo shoot. I'm always on the lookout for escort photographers. So if you're looking for a photo shoot, you can contact me to get some reccomendations. I also adding some links to photographers you can check.

www.instagram.com/photos.richc1 , twitter.com/cutronerich - miami
www.instagram.com/perfectlyflawlessphoto - miami
www.alecfasani.london - London
www.instagram.com/a_mavrin – international
www.alisaverner.com , instagram.com/alisaverner - Moscow and Sankt Petersburg
www.garysantosphotography.com – australia
www.photobyjam-x.com , instagram.com/photobyjamx
www.pracovnifotky.cz – Prague , Chechoslovakia

Good luck with your photo shoot!

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