Why do girls need agencies to work as escorts in the USA?

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Girls often have a question about whether they really need an escort agency or not. Since the agency commission is usually quite high there is big question which girls asking themselves it's easier to do everything by yourself or get help from escort agency. The first time a girl is flying to a new country, it is much better to go with the agency. Agencies charge a commission from 50 to 10 percent of a girl's earnings. That is, the girl earns less, but she does not have to spend money on experiments, no need to build up a base of customers, no need to take risks and invest in advertising and promotion, and you can always ask how to behave in one or another situation. Since you are a source of income for the agency, it will always protect you and cherish you ... When a girl pay money to the agency she buys the required experience in this country. Girls are also much faster to learn when working with agencies how to work without agencies in future. For example, I give everyone a lot of recommendations before the tour, what to do and how to do it... And if a girl listens, the chance that she will earn more money increases.
We just made all the mistakes, we have already done all the experiments with advertising, with apartments and clients. For advertising have reviewed where to advertise and where not. What to do if the photo shoot does not work, and where to do it. Not all girls are willing to invest money in the air without being sure that all will works well. To avoid mistakes it is much easier to try to cooperate with an escort agency. I know a lot of girls who have cooperated for a while and then started working individually. Of course, they have other problems, but nevertheless, after working with an escort agency it is easier for them to start doing everything on their own... When they start working on their own, they have a problem with free time becouse communication with clients usually takes a lof of time. In the U.S., as it is an escort tours and advertising needs to be exposed in advance, customers also write in advance from all cities so just imagine how many messages from clients you can get if your tour sheduled for month in advance. Not all clients want to meet with you. Some just want to ask something. I recommend the first time you come to the country, of course, to start with the agency and then later to go alone. You can also work with the agency to accumulate a decent base of clients so will be easer in future to go to your own tour. Collect the numbers of clients. In the future when you go on tour you will have a number of clients waiting to meet you. Beginning immediately most may not have the patience to lack because in the U.S., all very expensive, and just sitting and experimenting can be too expensive. Time cost a lot of money in US. Be ready to spend every day 300-400$ just on living. Its not a problem when you make 2000$ per day but if you stay without clients its very very big problem. By working with an escort agency you will not have to go through such experiences and you will save time and money. You can start with an escort agency which is local and know well how this business is going there. During your partnership agency will show you in details how this business working at this country. Especially if you are first time in the country. The agency has been working here for many years and knows all the details. My work in this field began more than 10 years ago and faced with many nuances. We know how this business works not only in the USA but also in other countries. Of course some girls are able to do it themselves from first time, but this is a rarity. I recommend you to start with the agency and learn from them when watching how they working. You girls and the agency are one team for a time of cooperation. You have one common goal. If you have 5-8 clients who will be dealing with communication with clients, checking, advertising and registration of clients to you? Imagine you are doing it all for the first time. To put ads on many sites also takes a lot of time. Not to all escort advertising websites are easy to put advertising and sometimes it takes time to be approved. So when you going to tour to put in advance all ads is normal. A tour is usually quite a few cities.


Agencies also have an established base of clients who have already met girls before, which makes it much easier for new girls to get started. Yes it is good to work without the agency itself and you have to deal with girls who have already worked with agencies and know all the intricacies of working in the chosen country. But it only seems that now I will work twice as much and earn twice as much. Independent escorts usually work 5 times as much as the agency and she has to be online all the time on the phone, in case another client writes when she has a meeting with another client, to place ads and check on new clients. Usually during the day she has to eat, do other things or go shopping. Working independently is great because agencies also make a lot of mistakes and sometimes do a terrible job, but it's not easy either. You can have so many different problems that you don't even know about and can't think about before you start doing everything. If you work in your hometown, it is easier to solve them than if you work in a country that you don't even know about and can't think about before you start. So the first advantage is location, if you are not local then find a local agency. Working in different countries is very different. We are in this business 24 hours a day every day and we are also always in touch with other girls and managers so we are always aware of what is going on.

Good luck to you!

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