How should girls behave with clients?

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Often girls before going to work as escorts in the USA don't know how to behave with clients during bookings. And in fact there may be many questions and a lot to write about. Also, girls often ask if you can refuse clients... If you want you can not go to tour at all if you want. But then you will not get any money from clients. If you refuse the client then you need to explain politely to him why he was refused. Imagine if you come to the club with your girlfriends and you're not allowed in because of the face control, I think everyone will be uncomfortable. Try to be polite in such situations. Never show any angry emotions to the client. Be sure to apologize if you decide to send the client away. If you tell the client to go away from here you smell bad or your skin is a different color, it will sound very uncomfortable. The client may get offended and write a bad review to you. What's the difference between a hostel and an expensive 4 or 5-star hotel. You can stay overnight in a luxury hotel and at hostel and slept the same well. If you treat badly with customers, you will not be the one to blame. When a client shares his experience with other people at some review board, no one wants to know what kind of client he was. After reading bad review about you they will think that they should look for another girl and your earnings will drop. It is never necessary to argue with the client. Listen and try to keep the conversation on the themes that the client like. You can wonder how smart and funny client is and you like him or something like that. Client is always right. Customers like cheerful and friendly girls. Try to not be to smart too. Be more simple and cheerful. Tell them sincerely what you are interested in. You do not have to invent anything. Be yourself. Be with him as a good friend. Your superpower is your attractiveness. Be professional. You're here to make money, not have fun. You can drink a little, but too much can make you lose control. Who stops a man from eating at a fast-food joint where the food is fast and nutritious? Where there are big portions and everything is fast and organized. It's very simple and the price is inexpensive. That's what I mean about prices when girls meet for lower rates. There's plenty of girls like that. Girls for all tastes and with many diferent services are many. So those customers that want to pay girls higher rates, they are well aware of the girls at all rates because they also went to them and they just need something more interesting and cooler and more special. If for example, escort is like restourants then clients go to a McDonald's just to eat and when client want to enjoy then the client has not just come to eat but also and enjoy the meal, made some gift for himself or celebrate special event, maybe to spend time with someone... So he expects not to get a hamburger but a well-cooked steak and to be smiled at and asked how they are doing. Well, at least the food will be cooked perfectly. When a customer pays $400 to $800 an hour, he expects to see a cool girl and get best service. You don't have to act like you're doing him a favor. You have to respect the client and be better than others. There's a lot of competition in the escort market. The client comes to you as a girl he wants to hang out with and have a good time. You have to understand that no matter if the client is rich or not, he knows there is a way to spend a cheaper time and here you need to show what he is paying for. The business relies heavily on repeat customers becoming your regulars. If we are talking about the most expensive escort, imagine a Bentley or Rolls Royce. I am not talking about 1-2 clients a week because then it is very difficult to earn decent money. You need to have 4-6 customers a day to make more or less normal money. So based on that, you need to choose your price per hour.


To be only a beautiful girl is not enough to work successfully as an escort. You need to be a person who understands clients and knows how to communicate and spend time with them. If you want your clients to come back to you and you have a lot of regular clients, you need to establish an emotional connection with them. Clients are often lonely, stressed out in business, and they often need a good friend with whom they can talk. To be client-oriented and to think how to make your service better can bring you a lot of money. It happens that clients come and go one by one. We had situation with one girl. Eight customers came to meet with her, two of them stayed and six turned around and ran away. And the girl was young and skinny! Client who came to meet with this girl was lost up had to ask where the shower was and so on. Also she was dressed very casual what is not accepted at this business. It was the same as coming to an expensive restaurant to order food and after an hour of waiting to find out that here need to come and get it by yourself from the kitchen. She said that her education does not allow her to behave how is needed at this business. But she came to earn money. She knew where she going. So ofcourse she was not made good money. The girl then went to other countries and just imagine for about six months or a year she visited almost all the more or less normal countries of the world with this business! She immediately changed country when she saw that things not going so well, but all problems was at her way of dealing with clients. It's not that she is a bad person or anything else... She is a very good and decent person, but that is not the most important thing in escort work. The most important thing is that you came here to make a lot of money. So you need to meet your clients as if your dream guy came to you. Be sure to smile, say hello, ask how he is, and then see how the conversation goes. If you do not meet a guy well, imagine that the money came to you. Wouldn't you be happy? The client is an ATM! You're a bank card! A pin code is how you behave, how you look, your service, appearance and so on. So be polite, good girls, try to smile as often as possible, never touch personal topics, never say anything about politics or religion. Try to relax and talk about anything the customer wants to talk about. Let him talk about it, and time is money. The more the client talks, the more time he spends and more money you earn. Try to keep the conversation going, but always let him talk more. You see, he's paying you so you listen to what he has to say. There was that the clients came for 1 hour, but they liked to talk so much that they stayed all night and the whole night is immediately a lot of money and a minimum of work. Even if not for the night after a pleasant conversation, the customer will always feel closer to you and will remember you in the future :) You never ask your client for a tip, he will leave you a tip of his own if he wants it. Only what he has to pay you and be sure to take it before your meeting. There was a case that the client did not pay right away, and then said he had no cash. That is why the money is always in advance. Both sides are winning, so you and the customer should be or at least show you are happy. If you do not smile and show your pessimism. Complain about life for sure the client will be looking for reasons not to come to you. Never complain to a client, do not ask for anything, always be able to listen, meet him so he has begun to think only about you in his thoughts! And you see, everything will be fine. try to make sure the room was a little darker than the street if it is daytime. You don't have to worry. You can offer your client a cup of tea, coffee or water. While he's drinking you can talk about something... Remember, the main thing here is how you treat customers. How you get in touch with them. The client is a normal person. You need to love each client and you will earn very good money. Good escort agencies can only tell the girls how to work properly, the preferences of clients and so on. With the agency, it's easier to start but you have to remember that you still by yourself have to do all main work. So your profit results will depend on you too.

Have a nice day!






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