How much money can I make working as an escort in the USA?

Hello girls!

Money is like a key to the free world where you can do what you want to do. And so in some way money brings us happiness becouse make us free. So do we deserve to be happy? I think we do. Every one of you deserves the best. Sometimes to get the best you can make some sacrifices. Like going on an escort tour and sacrificing your time so you can enjoy your freedom and do what you want. Escort work in the United States is not easy. You have to be fit and slim, smell good and be fun. Make sacrifices that should bring you a nice income. Sometimes take a risk... Sometimes lose or lose out. All of this is not easy and not everyone can handle it. If you like peace of mind and stability then escorting is not the best job. You make money while you're on tour... Even when you do not meet with clients you still need to work as you need to keep yourself toned (sports club, beauty salons, etc.). And between tours I recommend something else to do in parallel ... Study or work somewhere... Since when you will be 30 years old half of the girls can no longer work as an escort, and it is good to be prepared for that time. Being a successful escort girl is a temporary pleasure. Success is with you as long as you are a beautiful and young girl. I've seen many girls earn 25-30 thousand a month and spend it all to the wind... A beautiful life is expensive. Later, when it was hard to earn that much money and they started to think about ordinary jobs. It's the opposite in escorts. New girls earn good money, but over time it gets worse and worse for most girls. Yes, you can earn money for an expensive apartment in the city center, a new BMW or Mercedes. Yes you can buy yourself what you can buy brand clothing ... And all of these purchases you are likely to buy during the first year. So do not waste time if you've already decided. Take all you can and make the most of it. Also, take care of your health and don't let the money go to waste. If you think that the escort job is immoral, then I'll tell you when you're 40 or more you'll regret that you didn't work at your younger age. You can ask a lot of girls with experience in this business. It's not those girls who decided to become a rich and get an apartment in a day without much effort, but maybe those rare crazy girls who like escort work and can't live without it. If a girl has decided that she is now the queen of the world and will make a lot of money without even a desire to lose a couple of extra pounds or smile to the client, it will be hard to work. But if you want to travel and meet on a schedule with successful people then you just need to try out for an escort job in the United States. Also, you can't give up because you have all kinds of days. It happens that there are no clients or it is not possible to earn on a certain day, in such situations, you can not give up. You have to change something in such situations... Or the agency they work with, or the way they advertise or the country, or maybe plastic surgery will be done. If you still feel that all is bad and to no avail, then maybe just an escort job is not for this girl. Every job has its pros and cons. So if you can't stand it for a long time, you can't expect to make a lot of money. What you earn in a month, two will fly away very quickly. Accumulate really good money in this business can be esli esli spend a long time in tours. Then over the year you will have accumulated 200,000 - 500,000 $ and this is very good money which in the future will be able to multiply in several times. If you like money and meetings with successful people then you here :)

Those who do not like this area can only temporarily improve their financial situation, pay for school or everyday expenses, and the really good money earn those who love this work and can work for a long time. As you have probably heard more than once there are cases where girls are not only not earned but even in without any profit at all returned home. Escort work is as hard as any other job. That is, those who make more money work harder. To say exactly how much money a girl can earn, you need to understand your appearance... What experience in this business, how you can communicate with clients, how easy it is for you. Do you have a good photo shoot? If you don't have one, we can help you make one. Everywhere, there is competition and here if you do not try, you earn money can take away other girls who will be less diligent. Each girl if she wants to, can earn $ 1000-3000 per day while she is on tour or working. But she does not work all the time. The girl lives it up and while she's not working she's having affairs with someone, etc.  They charge differently per hour depending on the country and situation. Prices in the U.S. can be from 400usd to 2000 dollars per hour. IF they work within a year they then accumulate good money. Without a bank account you can't do without it. Also esli you will be willing to do plastic surgery then a stable income can be maintained for a very long time. As you get older you become smarter, wiser, more experienced, but in return you lose your looks. If you are really smart, wise you can correct your appearance without problems with plastic surgery and work successfully at any age. If not, then the bottom line is the same. Here the appearance is one of the most important factors for successful work and good earnings.  Be prepared to work and do not notice how you will have a solid bank account. Do not tell anyone about your earnings and savings. Not your friends, not your girlfriends, not anyone. Money likes silence. How much you earn is none of your business. If you are asked about it you can safely answer that "I earn fine" or "I do not know, I do not count or I count at home. The same goes for you. You don't need to ask other girls about their earnings. If you want to know how much you can earn, you better ask me and I will tell you roughly what you can count on. When you have savings, invest them in the business. Invest in your future and try to save money from the first earnings. Eat healthy food, invest in plastic surgery if necessary, learn how to care for their own hair. Invest in your education, hobby, business of your choice, grow, read books, start a business, or if you're lucky someone will give you a block of shares or a ready-made business. Girls without business ideas mostly make money on rental apartments. If you want to move forward, learn communication skills, know how to talk to men in their language and everything will be fine with you, you'll see.

I wish you a lot of money!

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