Cons of working as an escort!

Hi girls!

Escort work is surrounded by many myths and misconceptions that circulate among people. Most often girls come into escort work without a specific understanding of what it is. As an escort girl you are selling your time together, your attention and entertainment. Often people think that because an escort girl is beautiful she is stupid but she is not. Many escort girls are well educated and very smart and you can talk to them about different topics. Many of them get a profession and in the future will be a specialist in other areas or will be married to a businessman or own their own business. The clients know this and treat the girls with great respect. Also a big myth that escort girls must be very thin just like those models from fashion shows. So thin really do not need to be to make money in escort. Yes, it helps to be beautiful and have the right figure to be an escort girl. Girls need to respect your work and understand that their look is a tool to make money and they need to take care about themselfes professionally. That will be enough. Clients appreciate this and you will get a good influx of income for it. Escort work can be a real business for you and something better than a career at a job with 10 times less money. Many people think that escort work is just a way to make extra money. Yes and no. It depends on how you look to to it. If you see this business seriously then you can earn good money here but if you not ready to be full time in it but only to go to some party sometimes, and then your earnings will be just sometimes. Those people who say and think that escort work are easy money just envy. You need to work hard here and the money is not easy at all. It is fast money but not easy. In this area there are many smart and financially secure girls who work and earn good money and are proud of it, because they can help their loved ones and live a beautiful life. Escort work is becoming more popular and spending time with people for money does not surprise anyone. Girls more and more often decide to become an escort model without even thinking about the dangers that may await them on their business way. Sometimes girls wait for the easy money to bring the clients, but no one does! First of all they need to make a good photo shoot, make a beautiful look and not just like on the phone in the dark but really good one profesional! The girl flew on an escort tour, got 10 numbers of clients, and now she think she is an agency! For some reason such escort agencies close within 3-6 months! In the U.S. it is not so easy as in Europe or other countries. It is a country of dreams and opportunities for those who are willing to work up a sweat and are willing to make big sacrifices. My advice to you if you do not like this field and you can not work hard and diligently may be worth to think or need to start and the U.S.? Well if you slim, sexy, beautiful, well-groomed, able to communicate with guys and like them you may want to try until you are 26-27 years old since later your chances to earn decreases very much every year :) It is possible to earn $ 20,000 and $ 40,000 per month but you have to not reinvent the wheel and act on the plan and right now. All who are just beginning to work in this area only see the positive aspects at start! Initially I thought everything was nice and smooth. But there is no such thing! You get used to good things fast, and to money even faster. Travel over time gets boring, and money also loses its appeal when you have a lot of them. With that no one will tell you that you will earn here only as long as your appearance will allow. Every year your age increases and the chances that you will become overweight is very high. Female childbirth also messes things up a lot on their body. I know a lot of girls who are older and look better than young people but believe me they are not doing anything to make this happen. They have two problems in life 1) clients and 2) their appearance. With the years look more and more difficult to keep beautiful. You cannot go without plastic surgery later. The client will not forgive you any strange behavior, which can be forgiven a young girl. And good earnings are only possible until you are young.

You will earn less and less as you get older. So after the age of 27 or 28, the chances of success are not the same as when you were 21 or 22. Holiday? Vacation? Studies? Relationships? You can do all these things at the age of 28-30 or even at 35. And 30-35 you cannot go to escort job in usa so easealy. So there is no need to think about it and put it off. You need to earn now and a lot so you would have enough later for a long time. Imagine you are a bank robber and you need to get a lot of money so you don't have to rob banks and take risks in future. You see, with every robbery there's more and more chance of getting caught. Young people are getting more and more into escorts every year. Go out on the street and look at the first 10 women in their 30s and then the first 18- to 23-year-olds you see. There's your answer. Escort work are more suitable for those who, for example, have plans for the future and now need to make money for expensive tuition, or a flat with a car or something else. That is, when you start working, you're sure that you will earn enoug money for your goals, but in the long run it is very hard work. For example, those who are working non stop years a round only few... So girls usually work somewhere between one month and three months a year. So they earn a maximum only three months a year. If you divide that by 12 months a year, it's almost the same income as a regular job. So if you think about fast money and you need some money for a specific purpose like apartment, car or anything like that and you're willing to work a little time for the sake of their goals, you will succeed :) It's profitable in the short run... So if you're under 25 years old, hurry up and work and make money now! Do you want to have a few flats, cars and a decent bank account at 25? Start right now. You want to relax and do nothing, you can do it in a regular job :). Here your income depends on you. How much you are willing to work. The more you work, the more money you have. The more experience ... With experience your earnings will go up. But don't forget your age. You don't need much intelligence, you just need to be hungry and ambitious, and you will succeed. If it's about money to jump to another social level, you need an escort. If you just want to relax and not work, no matter how beautiful you are, you should not come here. There's no easy money here.  You also need to understand that when you work, drinking alcohol becomes a frequent phenomenon, which I advise you to avoid of course. Some agencies work only with clients who take drugs. Drug addicts because they make long orders. They make orders for 5-8 hours and they benefit from it. And a girl snorts cocaine for a month and then not only her appearance but also her psyche. She becomes very nervous and restless. I even know a couple of cases where girls spent more on psychological help than they made on that tour. So don't do drugs. How will you look at 29 or 30 if you're snorting so much? We're not talking about one night here. A client gets high once a month and that's it. You got customers every day, so it's better to do without drugs. If you haven't dealt with them before, don't start. It's not worth it. You'll make money without them.
Many girls are working all over the world and in all countries. Yes, there is such a thing that clients like new girls and for example for some if a girl is in town for too long her employment falls down a lot. Clients are looking for new girls. Girls who can provide the best service and have better looks than others usually stay in one country and become individual girls. Others, on the contrary, are looking for something better to work with. But as I always say, you should not look for another country but change something in yourself. Maybe you're overweight or maybe you need to change something else. Maybe you need a plastic surgery or maybe you should work on your reviews. A change of country your work does not always solve problems.

About anonymity. Here you need to understand that it is desirable not to disclose your data to anyone. If you give a copy of your passport, you always have to behave properly as agreed beforehand and in no case enter into conflicts. Further, I do not advise in social networks if you try to untwist them to talk about what city you are in, as it is easy to possibly connect you with a questionnaire in the ads. There are cities where it is very easy to find a girl because there are not so many of them in a certain city. The probability that someone will find you is very low. This is not a porn starring where everyone quickly finds out about the actresses. Escorts are much more anonymous but you should not joke about it anyway. Successful escort girls are really not as many as you might think ... Even if a girl is young and beautiful still those amounts that not everyone can make money on apartments and cars. Earn those who are willing to work and have a goal. For example, to buy an apartment or buy a car. The rest come here, they earn money to go shopping or pay for university and go home. Then in a year they come back for a while. And then look a couple of years later she is already overweight with 3 children and you can't make money that easily. So you need to decide what you need. A lot of money or just to pay some bills :) You can make a lot of money but you have to try very hard and sometimes you have to sacrifice something for a lot of money. Are you ready to make sacrifices? A quiet life is not so bad, but with a lot of money you'll have more fun... Today a girl told me that in the hotel where she was staying a woman came up to her and said that at reception they were talking about her in an ugly way. How she's a young girl staying at the Hilton. Apparently she's an escort. I wanted to warn her that they were talking about her and tell her to be careful. She says she likes it and she makes money and the clients are all right.  If they said that to her face it would be a different matter it would be possible to write a complaint about the unacceptable attitude towards the hotel guests, in hotels like the Hilton the customer is always right and what they say in front of their eyes she should not bother herself with it... On the other hand, if a girl rides in a new, expensive car and buys an apartment in a luxury new building, won't they look at her funny? Yes, they will, and it does not matter if she is an escort or not, even without seeing her and without knowing her, they may say all sorts of nasty things behind their eyes. And it does not matter if you personally or another girl will be there. But if they can say such things about everybody, even if they don't know the person, does that mean they are talking about you? Even if a girl worked as an escort or not, they will find something to say. People spend so much time talking about other people instead of doing their job. From idleness or envy. It should not be important for you to say something about the person, you should at least know him and what he is like. And it is not easy to work as an escort, and I doubt that those who are talking about it could do it themselves if they think it is so easy.  And every dollar you make you know that you are earning honestly! You're not hurting anybody. And more honest than most of those who talk behind their backs. You may be demotivated and if you are a young girl under 30 it is the golden age. Let them think who wants what the main thing is to make you feel comfortable.  And so in general, keep your nose up and think less about who is thinking what. In 15 minutes they will be discussing someone else, and you will be a little richer in 15 minutes :) Everything is more or less predictable after a lot of experiences and failures, and we have had a lot of failures. So there is often a moment in life when everything is bad and it is not clear what to do... What goals to follow, etc. I noticed that most girls whose situation, for example, at some point is not bad, but I would like a better life when they come into an escort here just flourish and find themselves. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so. Escort terrible only to those girls who have never worked here and as long as the first client does not pay money. After he pays you, you'll think there's something wrong and it's too easy...

That's why girls don't want to leave this job afterwards. I do not know what your average salary is now... But the fact that you travel to different countries of the world and meet successful people does not prevent you from continuing to achieve your current goals. On the contrary you can earn a stable, daily income, it doesn't prevent you from thinking about what to do next and how to earn more. And the capital you will accumulate very quickly. To open a business such as a beauty salon or restaurant you will not need to look for an investor or go to the bank for loans ... To pay for the best education itself. Or maybe you want to open a mini hotel. If you do not have money at the time you work, and if you have money then the money is working for you. So the experience in escorting will give you new strength and a financial boost to your personal life.
It will be like when an athlete uses steroids, which most athletes do... No one is judging these athletes because they are on hormones and because they have such outstanding results. No one will care about you, they will just watch you and think she is good, and why I'm not doing so well... They don't judge winners. Or they will swear at you with envy and so on. Is that bad? If they notice you, then that's good! So you do not survive but live to the fullest. And you should live like this, because life passes very quickly, the years go by and no one knows how long we have left to live. Maybe tomorrow some meteorite will fall on the planet, or a war will break out. For this reason it is very important to live and enjoy life. Do everything for yourself and behave as you think best. The fact that the girl will work from time to time in an escort is not a hindrance to finish school and find work somewhere in the specialty. Or if you don't want to work, you don't have to. There are times when people work because they have to... The golden age for escort work is when girls are 18-30. If girls do not start working at that time, they really want to work, because there is no going back. You probably think about the family and children, and so on, right? So here I was a couple of days ago did a newsletter girls with offers to come on tour before the holidays and know that 3 of them wrote that they get married and have in the tour will not go ... And no one is not bothered by it. They all get married and are even more successful and successful than those who have not worked in escort. They often marry clients. I never understood those girls who think that once a client you can't have a relationship with him, why? He is a wealthy man ... escort girl is the perfect woman Groomed, interesting, bright, intelligent. And if a man is wealthy, imagine his situation... He pays for good food, he pays for comfort in his life, he pays for his car, he pays for his apartment or house... So why not pay him for your expensive time? A rich client is used to paying for everything and for many of them it seems strange to take something for free. They want to show that they didn't work all their life from morning till night for nothing and now they can afford to live better and go out with girls not for stars from the sky but for a decent fee. That doesn't mean that such a client, for example, won't want to start a family with you or continue a relationship if you like each other. Girls will not let me lie, many clients go for years to the same escort girls. Escort relationships are more real than a free relationship! Both parties are happy here. So does escort work ruin a girl's life? I don't think so. You can't take the money with you to the grave, but you can make the quality of life better. Heaven is here on earth... in boutiques and expensive restaurants... Spas and travel. It's about connecting with interesting people. Whether we live in paradise or in hell is up to us. Whoever works hard and tries hard lives in heaven. Time is running out. If you don't work, others will work. The years go by. If you're 20, in another 20 you'll be 40. If you are 25, in another 25 you will be 50. Try to spend your time as efficiently as possible! Yes girls unfortunately those fairy tales and opinions that you can work at least until you are 50 it does not suit all. You can certainly not argue but it is units. Very few people who try very hard for the sake of their appearance and always look good. Of course, and who nature has awarded the beauty. Or as they say that nature did not give that scalpel can be corrected.

Wish you all of best!

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